Trash Pickup Varies by Location and Time of Year. And NO you don’t have to roll the cans out (or back!).
Trash pickup varies by location. Generally, trash pickup on the days specified below is often quite early in the morning. You do not have to do anything with the trash cans. We handle having them rolled out and returned for you! What about recycling? There’s a drop off for Gulf Shores recycling!
West beach homes as well as East 11 Cottages
(This is most of our homes, except those specifically noted below)
For Summer Months, Trash pickup is Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, and the trash cans will be pulled out for you the day before, and returned after pickup occurs.
For the rest of the year: Trash pickup is on Mondays and Thursdays, with pullout occurring the day before, and pull back after pick up occurs.
For all West Beach locations, the trash cans will be rolled out for you the afternoon before pickup day and returned after pickup.
Fort Morgan (Gulf & Golf at the Plantation, Beach Castle and Fort Sun only)
For Summer Months, Trash pickup occurs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
For the rest of the year, Trash pick up ion Wednesdays and Saturdays.
At all Fort Morgan locations, the trash cans will be rolled out for you the afternoon before pickup day and returned after pickup.
Cottages at Romar, Orange Beach (Diamond, Emerald, & Sapphire)
For Summer Months, Trash is picked up on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Note, unlike West Beach, trash cans will be pulled out for you the morning of pickup for the Cottages (Diamond, Emerald, and Sapphire).
For the rest of the year, trash pickup occurs Tuesday and Friday. Trash cans will be rolled out those mornings for you.
Keep in mind:
For non peak times of year, trash pickup may vary based on occupancy levels and is often reduced to a single day per week.
The Saturday pickup is according to Republic Services’ schedule and is generally before guests leave and before cleaning arrives, so it is not unusual for arriving guests to find bins that have items in them when they arrive. These will go out the next scheduled pickup.
Departing Guests–A little help is much appreciated
If you are departing on a trash collection day and have lots of trash, we ask that you get most of it into the bins before they are rolled out, or take it out to the curb if the bins have not been emptied by Republic before you leave. This will ensure the arriving guests don’t have full bins. And why not recycle why you are at it? Drop off on the way out of town.